
Meet us at Token2049 Singapore - the world's largest crypto event | Booth CT19 at Level 4 | 18-19 Sept

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Join us for an exclusive Tech Mixer at Google UK headquarters by Systango and Google Cloud | 26th September

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Meet us at Token2049 Singapore - the world's largest crypto event | Booth CT19 at Level 4 | 18-19 Sept

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Join us for an exclusive Tech Mixer at Google UK headquarters by Systango and Google Cloud | 26th September

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Maximizing Efficiency and Minimizing Emissions: Our Solutions Have Helped Reduce Carbon Footprints
by an Average of 35% Across Industries

Our consultation and development expertise has helped businesses master the intersection of technology, climate, and innovation. We have helped large and small businesses accelerate their product’s time to market while avoiding costly pitfalls and leveraging technology to deliver greener solutions to end consumers.

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Climate Savers

We built an application with the goal of rewarding users for making a green purchase. The user's bank account info was synced with the platform via AIS/PIS to fetch all the transactions and identify a green purchase made on this card. Green purchase refers to purchasing something which has less impact on the environment, like using an e-bike instead of Uber. The tool is also used by Enterprises to incentivise their employees to do green purchases.

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Climate Savers Application | Case Study by Systango
Green Leaf: AI & App Development | Case Study by Systango
Green Leaf

With our AI & App development capabilities, we assisted Green Leaf in building a mobile application to track user travel, train an AI to predict transport modes and display carbon emissions on a travel dashboard of the application. We also built a business dashboard displaying the staff emissions from different travel modes & allow business admins to monitor the carbon footprint of the business to promote environmental sustainability.

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Hugo Energy

Our team worked with Hugo Energy to develop a modern-day Smart Meter ecosystem that involved Mobile Apps and a Desktop App. The concept was to encourage users to capture energy (gas and electricity) data every day by plugging it with their smart meter and managing their Daily/Monthly/Weekly/Yearly usage. User can also switch their service provider with the best tariff rates and purchase CO2 offset for their usage.

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Hugo Energy Mobile & Desktop App | Case Study by Systango

We Are Leading Digital
Transformation In Climate
Tech Industry

When looking to build Climate-related solutions, generic product and innovation advice might not be enough. You need professionals who are passionate about solving climate change and understand the industry’s challenges. With over 15 years of experience in B2B SaaS and IoT product innovation, tech architects and software experts at Systango understand the challenges you face as a Climate innovator and can save you from costly mistakes.

At Systango, we have been closely involved with brands to understand the challenges they aim at solving with the use of technology. From understanding the climate tech landscape to market entry and partnership strategy to delivering fully functional products in the domain, Systango has consulted and implemented development projects in Climate Tech - tailored to the business's needs.

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Leading Digital Transformation In Climate Tech Industry | Systango

Our Offerings Within Climate Tech.

Digital Transformation
Digital Innovation

We have been uncovering the needs of businesses to strategically align their ideas and suggestions with technology. Our experts have developed enterprise solutions for startups in the domain to navigate through stakeholder dynamics and improvise climate-friendly practices digitally.

Product Engineering
Mobility Solutions

We love building SuperApps. Our team of software experts have leveraged an array of digital technologies to develop and deliver applications that are accessible, secure, user-friendly and at the same time tackle the most complex climate challenges.

Mobility Solutions
Technology Consultation

We have experience in steering strategy and business development of complex pilot projects. Our tech architects have assisted businesses in identifying strategic alignment on the most profitable outcomes, building roadmaps and feature prioritization for the products and services.

Key Challenges Faced By Climate Tech Industry
That Our Expertise Can Help Address.

  • Scaling.

    Bringing a Climate tech solution to the market can be a complex and time-consuming process. Our expertise in product development and marketing has helped many startups scale their business and bring their products to market quickly and effectively.

  • Regulatory Compliance.

    Climate tech solutions often operate in heavily regulated industries, and navigating these regulations can be a significant challenge. Experts at Systango have worked closely with startups to ensure that the solutions delivered are in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

  • Data Management & Analysis.

    Climate tech solutions often rely on complex data analysis to operate effectively, and many startups lack the expertise and resources to manage and analyze this data. A technology partner with expertise in data management and analysis could help these startups collect, store, and analyze the data they need to optimize their solutions.

Key Challenges Faced By Climate Tech Industry | Systango

Systango Differentiators.

Our Custom Software Development Services Includes
It All!

With deep roots in technology and a solid client base in this domain - Systango offers a comprehensive range of services including assistance with customer experience strategy, technology modernisation, operational excellence and digital marketing. We have expertise in building apps from scratch or revamping existing ones. Tap into our knowledge and expertise to improve your business today!

We Are Recognised As The Leading
Digital Engineering Company.

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Developing Solutions For A Range Of Business Domains.

We Serve a Wide Range of Industries.

  • Enterprise Mobility

  • Social Networks Apps

  • Fintech Apps

  • Health & Fitness Apps

  • E-Commerce Mobile Apps

  • Music & Entertainment Apps

  • iGaming and Fantasy Sports Apps

  • Education Apps

This Is Why We Do What We Do.

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